Raspberry Pi NAS: (NAS-pi) Cardboard wonders #part3

When your CAD skills are lacking, but you have plenty of cardboard in your garage

A comprehensive guide to Grafana & InfluxDB

How to use Grafana and InfluxDB on Raspberry Pi for IoT sensors in home automation

PostgreSQL beats InfluxDB in NodeRED

Learn how to use Postgres in NodeRED to create unique projects or map values onto charts and interact with tables

B̶o̶s̶t̶o̶n̶ Bittle Dynamics by Petoi

What's it like to have a robot for a pet? Bittle by Petoi brings 4 legged creature as a robotic pet friend that you can code and develop.

Argon Eon needs this!

If you are using Argon Eon case for Raspberry Pi - you need this - for the sake of your files!

Slow NAS write speeds: OrangePi 3, Ubuntu Server 16.04, Samba and SSD

Exceptionally slow NAS writes to an SSD

Testing Raspberry Pi 5

What a surprise. Raspberry Pi 5 is out - and I have all the information including tests and benchmarks. Check it out

M5Stack Core Ink: the inkling for makers

I shall call it The Inkling - M5Stack Core Ink is a great ESP32 based development board for anyone interested in e-ink displays.

Resistors for beginners

Everything you need to know about the resistors