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Raspberry Pi Zero W WIFI performance
The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the latest offering! This variant comes with built in WiFi so I thought I would put it to a test and see how quick the network is.
C/C++ and MicroPython SDK for Raspberry Pi Pico on Windows
A guide to SDK toolchain for Raspberry Pi Pico and C/C++ , Micropython on Windows.
Light sensor modules KY-018 and LM393 (3 and 4 pin) for a Raspberry PI...
Read the light values, use it to do things!
Toggling lights with DockerPi 4 Channel Relay
52pi's DockerPI 4 Channel Relay uses I2C interface to control up to 16 devices while taking up only 2 pins!
Compact and cool – Argon NEO
Argon NEO thermal benchmarks,. WiFi performance and review. A very handsome case for Raspberry Pi 4
Awesome time with Wio Terminal
Wio Terminal from SeeedStudio is a great all-in-one development board that doesn't require soldering skills to get started with.
Raspberry Pi NAS: (NAS-pi) Network attached storage under $21* #part1
Getting a NAS drive under $21?
Hall sensor module KY-003 & KY-024 for Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Small magnetic sensor that can be used as a switch or a detector.
Raspberry Pi NAS: (NAS-pi) Building an enclosure: Trial and Error #part4
Oh boy, this box is going to be so pretty.