Better safe than sorry – UPS Pro for Raspberry Pi

Prevent accidental power loses with this UPS Pro HAT from 52pi for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3

No Tasmota needed – Sonoff Basic R3 Zigbee

Does Sonoff Basic R3 Zigbee needs Tasmota? Testing the smart switch with Zigbee interface from Itead guys

Adding devices to Zigbee2MQTT – the easy way

How to pair Zigbee devices with Zigbee2MQTT and cc2531 with ease!

Sonoff Basic R3 teardown (Zigbee, RF & WiFi)

Sonoff Basic R3 comes in 3 variants, WiFi RF and Zigbee. It;s time to take it apart and talk about the differences.

Control Spotify with IKEA Symfonisk

Control Spotify with IKEA Symfonisk remote. Use NodeRED to add custom devices and actions to this IKEA Tradfri remote controller.

Anime, HiFi Audio & IKKO ITM05

IKKO ITM05 is a HiFi DAC for iPhone and Android devices.

PC Dashboard using NETIO Power Cables

Advanced PC controls thanks to Netio power cable

Two-Factor Authentication in NodeRED

A way to introduce 2 form authentication in your personal automation setups.

News: Sonoff Basic ZBR3, Zigbee & Tasmota 7.1

There is a new thing that Sonoff and Tasmota have in common: Zigbee

A truly connected amp – Röth & Myers BOSK-NP210L

Röth & Myers Amp is packed with inputs and supports up to 40W speakers in 2.1 configuration. Connect the amp to existing audio equipment and enjoy multiroom setup and connectivity.