New Amazon Dash Buttons
You can teach new buttons old tricks!
Make a Amazon Dash security sensor
Amazon Dash buttons are not only for ordering.
Argon Eon needs this!
If you are using Argon Eon case for Raspberry Pi - you need this - for the sake of your files!
Compact and cool – Argon NEO
Argon NEO thermal benchmarks,. WiFi performance and review. A very handsome case for Raspberry Pi 4
Cooling Raspberry Pi 4 with 52pi Power Board
Raspberry Pi 4 can run hot! Do you really need a massive cooling stack to keep all 4 cores in check? I'm testing the board thermals with a passive heatsink and 30mm fan included in 52pi Power Board
DeskPi Lite: hot stuff!
DeskPi Lite: a slimmed down case for your Raspberry Pi 4 adds extra USB ports but casts questions over cooling design
This ESP32 is on FIRE! – M5Stack Core
This ESP kit is on fire! M5Stack Core merges IoT platform and learning in a very polished stackable module.
ESP8266 DIY Smart Socket – SOFTWARE (3/3)
Good things come to the ones who wait!
CrowPi2 is breezing through Kickstarter
CrowPi2 is smashing through Kickstarter goals like there is no tomorrow.
Raspbian Stretch is out, a clean install is advised!
More under the hood changes, with small user improvements.