Home Smart Devices Smart Relays & Sockets

Smart Relays & Sockets

One switch for all your needs? Shelly 1L

Shelly 1L can be installed in no--neutral and live and neutral configurations. Check out what else it brings to the table

Sonoff 4CH & 4CHPRO joins R3 revision

Everything you need to know about Sonoff 4CH & 4CHPRO and the new re

Shelly 1 – brilliant software, flawed hardware

Shelly 1 is a smart switch that comes with great software, but less than stellar hardware

A budget ZigBee thermostat?

As my DIY Smart Heating expands, I need to address the biggest issue: lack of wall mounted thermostat. Is this ZigBee thermostat one you should get?

Adding Matter to Sonoff BasicR4

Sonoff goes back to basics with Sonoff BasciR4 - a new and improved basic smart relay - and I'm about to add Matter to it (and Tasmota)

Flashing Tasmota on Sonoff POWR3

How to flash tasmota on Sonoff POWR3 and set it up correctly

Sonoff TH Elite – call me impressed?

ITEAD has released a new series of devices under Elite line. I received Sonoff TH Elite and here is everything you need to know about it.

How to make Sonoff ZB Mini and ZigBee2MQTT work together

It's time to make Sonoff ZB Mini and ZigBee2MQTT work together!

Sonoff ZBMiniL2 is taking ZigBee to the extreme!

There is a new Sonoff ZBMiniL2 available - and it's the smallest of the Sonoff ZB series yet.

Sonoff ZBMINI is in town!

ITEAD released a new product - Sonoff ZB Mini - a smarter twin brother of Sonoff Mini!