Flashing Tasmota on Sonoff SwitchMan

Flashing Sonoff SwitchMan M5 2C to run Tasmota and be completely cloud free

Sonoff SwitchMan M5 series

New Sonoff SwitchMan series from ITEAD matches the design of NSPanel

Your TRV is lying to you: TRV auto-calibration

TRVs are lying to you. Even calibrated, they miss-report the temperature constantly - how to fix it? Use a self calibrating script.

Using Moes ZigBee TRV (BRT-100-TRV) in my old heating system

Can Moes ZigBee TRV prevent heat waste and reduce your heating bill?

Sonoff SPM: 2560Amps!

This is the most powerful system from ITEAD to date - meet Sonoff SPM - a 2560Amp relay array

Is Sonoff NSPanel the future we all wanted?

First look at Sonoff NSPanel - a touch screen display for your light switch! Is this the future of automation?

Getting started with Sonoff ZIGBEE 3.0 USB DONGLE PLUS

Testing Sonoff ZIGBEE 3.0 USB DONGLE PLUS against CC2531 and zzh (electrolama) - is it the best upgrade to your Zigbee network?

Can touch this: M5Stack Core2

M5Stack Core2 brings touch interface to the table, new UIFlow options which make programming super easy

Aqara Roller Shade Driver E1 & Zigbee2MQTT

Taking Aqara E1 apart, adding it to Zigbee2MQTT and NodeRED. This time with sunset/sunrise and temp controls

Testing Imou Ranger 2C 2MP & 4MP

Imou Ranger 2C comes in 2 flavours 1080P and 2K so let's compare them side by side and see which one is for you