Getting started with Sonoff ZIGBEE 3.0 USB DONGLE PLUS
Testing Sonoff ZIGBEE 3.0 USB DONGLE PLUS against CC2531 and zzh (electrolama) - is it the best upgrade to your Zigbee network?
Best ZigBee temperature sensors
What's the best ZigBee temperature sensor money can buy? Let's test all of them and find out
How to flash Tasmota on Sonoff ZB Bridge Pro
In this guide, I will walk you step by step and show you how you can flash Tasmota on Sonoff ZigBee Bridge PRO so you can use it with a custom coordinator firmware.
Things they don’t tell you about IKEA Trådfri
There are things you should know about IKEA Tradfri before you make your purchase
Slow Internet Warning
From time to time my Internet grinds to a stop. Since Raspberry Pi 4 comes with a 1Gbps Ethernet, I decided to take advantage of it and create a reporting system in NodeRED that will monitor and report when the ISP is not keeping the contractual agreements. Works with Alexa, Google Home, Android and Windows 10.
Adding devices to Zigbee2MQTT – the easy way
How to pair Zigbee devices with Zigbee2MQTT and cc2531 with ease!
What’s so special about Shelly Plus (Shelly 1/1PM/2PM/i4/WS Plus)
A lot of things has changed lately in Shelly ecosystem - let's see what you should be excited for Shelly Plus
Using Sonoff Tasmota software
How to use Tasmota on Sonoff devices
Flashing Tasmota on Sonoff ZigBee Bridge
How to flash Tasmota on Sonoff ZigBee Bridge to enable it for NodeRED and Home Assistant
Sonoff DUALR3 has a hidden secret
Hands on on new product from ITEAD: Sonoff Dual R3