$20 Automated Staircase RGB LED Lighting: DESIGN #part1
I say NO to broken TOES!
Arduino starter kit is here
Winner winner chicken cake?
CrowBits – STEM toys for 8-year-olds!
CrowBits are STEM kits for kids that will engage, expand and spark their interest in electronics, coding and making.
Flashing ESP8266 with NodeMCU (Windows, Linux, Arduino and Raspberry Pi)
How to flash NodeMCU on ESP8266 boards via serial port or Arduino
Humidity and Temperature sensor DHT-11 (&DHT-22) for Raspberry Pi and Arduino
How to hook up the temperature sensor
1602 LCD Display with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Displaying things on an LCD screen is as easy as going through a cup of jellybeans while writing this tutorial!
Capacitors for beginners
It's almost like going back to the future!
$20 Automated Staircase RGB LED Lighting: HARDWARE #part2
Running up and down the stairs is the new thing!
Sonar HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranger for a Raspberry PI & Arduino
How to connect HC-SR04 Sonar module to Raspberry Pi
ESP8266 DIY Smart Socket – HARDWARE (2/3)
Making things makes me happy. Not isolating the PCBs correctly can be shocking!