ESP8266 DIY Smart Socket – HARDWARE (2/3)
Making things makes me happy. Not isolating the PCBs correctly can be shocking!
Arduino Plug & Make kit: no more breadboards!
Arduino has released Arduino Plug and Make kit - an IoT starter kit to get you hooked on programming, electronics and microcontrollers - the easy way!
1602 LCD Display with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Displaying things on an LCD screen is as easy as going through a cup of jellybeans while writing this tutorial!
Infrared Sensor HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor for a Raspberry PI and Arduino
How to use PIR sensor with your Raspberry PI.
Capacitors for beginners
It's almost like going back to the future!
CrowBits – STEM toys for 8-year-olds!
CrowBits are STEM kits for kids that will engage, expand and spark their interest in electronics, coding and making.
ESP32 & 410 LEDs: Experiments 1 – Matrix
How many LEDs is too many? We are about to find out in this part!
Diodes for beginners
Not just LEDs
Resistors for beginners
Everything you need to know about the resistors
$20 Automated Staircase RGB LED Lighting: HARDWARE #part2
Running up and down the stairs is the new thing!