Are your time event conditions in Tasker are in trouble?
Ain't nobody got time for that!
A better way to store Tasker credentials
The more clever way of managing credentials
Voice notifications in multiple languages.
No more confusing languages
Secure Settings on Nougat (and Marshmallow)
Make the Secure Settings work again on Nougat
4 ways to organise Tasker projects
Keep your Tasker tidy!
Keeping love affairs safe with Tasker?
Annoyed with dozens of AutoApps populating your app drawer? Here is a fix!
Clear your app drawer from the clutter in seconds
Tasker Quick Start – Getting started with Tasker
From newb to not so newbie in 10 min
Maths in Tasker
Maths in Tasker is powerful and easy to implement. Most calculations can be done in a single task!
Integrating NodeRED and Tasker
Make Home Automation great again!