AIY Project on any Raspberry Pi including Zero W
The MagPi #57 is hard to get, fortunately, you can use the AIY image without it.
Tips for building AIY speaker
A few good tips to save the time while building the AIY speaker
Building an ESP8266-01 flash adapter
Speed up flashing ESP8266-01 WIFI boards
ESP8266 WIFI lights under $5
Your Sonoff device can't do this!
ESP8266 ceiling light – demo
Testing the ESP8266 as a WIFI light controller
New Amazon Dash Buttons
You can teach new buttons old tricks!
Try Tasker and Raspberry Pi for your home automation needs!
Raspberry Pi can help you with your Tasker profiles
Free wireless doorbell (Amazon Dash button hack)
The most terrifying situation I can imagine* is missing a parcel