How to add SSL certification to NodeRED
All information in one place!
Alexa and NodeRED integration
Hey Alexa, turn the lights on!
Integrating NodeRED and Tasker
Make Home Automation great again!
Hacking ESP8266 smart plug – serial adaper
Digging into Oittm Smart Plug some more.
A hackable ESP8266 inside a smart plug
Want to play with ESP8266 without worrying about the hardware?
Oittm WiFI Smart Plug – review
Alexa! Turn this thing on!
Make a Amazon Dash security sensor
Amazon Dash buttons are not only for ordering.
ESP32 – getting started on Windows
All you need to know to start programming with ESP32
Write better content with Raspberry PI AIY Project.
OK Google, make me go viral quick...
Roccat Ryos MK Pro – Keyboard Mod/Repair
Put a new life into a keyboard.