Sonoff Zigbee Bridge – review

Sonoff line up will soon include Sonoff Zigbee Bridge and more Zigbee sensors - here is the first look

Retrofit Smart Door on a budget

Retrofit "smart" into your door on a budget - introducing DIY Smart door

Get CC2531 on the ITEAD store instead

ITEAD sells CC2531 flashed and ready for Zigbee2MQTT

Creating a smarter light switch

Smart light switches are cool, but you can make it even better if you add n+ gangs to it

All you need to know about using smart lights

Everything you need to know to start home automation with Smart Light Switches

Flashing ESP with Tasmotizer is a dream come true

How to flash Tasmota on ESP devices with new Tasmotizer tool

In case RF433 isn’t going away – Sonoff RF bridge

Turn RF433 Sonoff devices into IoT smart gadgets with Sonoff RF bridge

Goodbye gBridge, gBridge alternatives

As the gBridge shutdown is imminent, it's time to look for gBridge alternatives.

Sonoff D1 Dimmer – an improved design?

I'm playing with Sonoff D1 dimmer. A new product from ITEAD team to toggle and dim your lights on request

Zigbee Low Battery Warning

Zigbee devices add up quickly, so monitoring battery levels for dozen or so of them could be a challenge. Not with Zigbee Low Battery Warning system!