Home profile
One of the most popular questions I come across on forums and my Youtube channel is how to make the home profile in Tasker stick. It is not that easy if you insist on using as low power as possible. I wrote recently a guide for Pocketables.com about setting up a profile that is battery friendly and allows you to turn off your connectivity while keeping the home status.
The main idea behind this profile is to integrate the WIFI and Cell Near condition together. This profile perhaps may not be perfect for all of you. The ‘cell near’ can be tricky to work within the countryside, or if your work/school is close, but should give you an idea of how to start your perfect home profile.
Alternatively, you could use a Bluetooth to enable home profile in Tasker. Prices of beacons are coming down, also Raspberry PI 3 has LTE BT chip already built-in, so you get more and more options to create the profile you want. Bluetooth has low power consumption and beacons allow you to set the frequency and interval of operation, allowing for very long use (up to 2-3 years). This would be your best alternative if you are unable to use the profile from the tutorial.
All your actions are triggered by the %Home = 1 condition, while it is possible to put this into other tasks, I find it easier to do this that way, as you can modify and link other profiles easier. The transition from this profile to a night mode would be very simple. This is something that I will cover in my next post.

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