Dynamic IP updates in NodeRED
Update the global variable each time your server variable will change so you could always send and receive the data from the correct IP
Sharing Tasker profiles on TaskerNet!
Let's just hope it won't start sending T-1000s after us!
Tasker Variable, that you may not care for
The bursts of brilliance often come from stupid mistakes!
Tasker and NodeRED – Streamlining notification system
Making uncomplicated, complicated again!
ESP8266 DIY Smart Socket – SOFTWARE (3/3)
Good things come to the ones who wait!
Get the last picture/screenshot – Tasker Profile
Fetch one or more pictures from your phone
Make use of Join custom commands
Become the Commander of Join!
Tasker 5.0 (beta) is out.
Finally the Material Update is here!
Limited Edition T-shirts – Support NotEnoughTECH
Just look at that SWAG!
Disable apps with a fingertip
Disable and enable apps with your fingertip, monitor who unlocks your phone and more fun with Tasker's LogCat option.