ESP8266 WIFI lights under $5
Your Sonoff device can't do this!
New Amazon Dash Buttons
You can teach new buttons old tricks!
Enable Raspberry Pi Zero SSH over USB
The quickest and easiest way to use the Raspberry Zero as headless client
Three ways to send data from Tasker to Raspberry Pi
Getting Raspberries to talk to your Android devices
Try Tasker and Raspberry Pi for your home automation needs!
Raspberry Pi can help you with your Tasker profiles
Connect Raspberry Pi to laptop PC in 4 simple steps (internet too)
Getting started with Raspberry Pi doesn't have to be hard.
Relay Module KY-19 (Songle SRD-05VDC-SL-C)
Switch things on and off! Simple, cheap and functional.
Raspberry Pi NAS: (NAS-pi) Modding like a boss #part2
Plex and RAID1 NAS drive build log
Raspberry Pi NAS: (NAS-pi) Network attached storage under $21* #part1
Getting a NAS drive under $21?
Lasers! KY-008 laser module for Raspberry Pi & Arduino
You can never go wrong with lasers!