No more hubs: Aqara G2H
Aqara G2H brings the power of ZigBee sensors to an IP camera.
Two cool features of Avatar Smart Bulbs
Avatar Smart Bulbs come with 2 cool features I wish more smart bulb manufacturers would include in their products.
Shelly 2.5 vs Sonoff DualR3
It's time to pitch similar devices against each other and compare their functions: Shelly 2.5 vs Sonoff DualR3
How to flash Tasmota on Sonoff DualR3
Make the device yours by flashing Tasmota on Sonoff DualR3. Now with channel control and power consumption
Shelly Duo – going beyond twice
Their #ShellyDuo is a WiFi-enabled lightbulb with colour temperature. Plus it comes with 2 features don't often offered by other smart lights.
Shelly 1PM: “PM” stands for Printer Manager
I decided not to use my Shelly 1PM with lights. I had a much better idea in mind! I'm going to show you how to get your printer ready for automatic ON/OFF and print price calculations including electricity used.
Monitor 2 gangs at once with Shelly 2.5
Taking a closer look at Shelly 2.5 switch with 2 switch/gang support and individual power metering
Sonoff DUALR3 has a hidden secret
Hands on on new product from ITEAD: Sonoff Dual R3
M5Paper received UIFlow support
Much desired support for UIFlow for M5Paper has arrived! If you needed an extra reason to get it, now it's the time.
PIR sensor like no other: Shelly Motion
Shelly enters IoT sensor space with their Shelly Motion - a WiFi enabled PIR sensor that can last up to 3 years!