This ESP32 is on FIRE! – M5Stack Core
This ESP kit is on fire! M5Stack Core merges IoT platform and learning in a very polished stackable module.
Amazfit Band 5 is available (for a pre-order)
New Amazfit Band 5 with Alexa and blood oxygen sensor is available for pre-order on Amazon
From KettleBot to ANY-Bot – SwitchBot
Switching anything on and of with SwitchBot -an insanely cute robot that does all the finger pressing for you
MiBand 5: feature-packed iteration
Hands down the best tracker in its price point, Xiaomi MiBand 5 is feature-packed but it's a hard sell for MiBand 4 owners.
NodeRED – multiple payloads
Mastering multiple payloads in the function node in NodeRED
Hands-free, secure logins with GateKeeper
Secure and hands-free log in to Windows 10.
Octolapses using Raspberry Pi HQ Camera
Octolapsing with Raspberry Pi HQ camera and new lenses. How good are 3D printing timelapses?
Geekworm? More like a can of worms. X829 SATA board
Before you buy X829 SATA board from Geekworm, read this.
Compact and cool – Argon NEO
Argon NEO thermal benchmarks,. WiFi performance and review. A very handsome case for Raspberry Pi 4
Awesome time with Wio Terminal
Wio Terminal from SeeedStudio is a great all-in-one development board that doesn't require soldering skills to get started with.