256 LEDs, clock and spectrum analyser
It's an exceptional panel, that I learn to love after all the hell it put me through - and you can get one too
Sonoff ZB Mini (ZBMINI-L) but without neutral?
Sonoff ZBMINI-L needs no neutral wire to automation your wall switches around the house - find out more about this ZigBee smart switch.
Tasker: Weather Alarm Clock
Tasker: Weather Alarm changes your alarm sounds based on the weather outside to ease you into the morning.
Power no matter what! Waveshare UPS hat
No more abrupt shutdowns thanks to Waveshare UPS HAT. Protect your board and data with this cool backup power supply.
I had to do this 😒
I had no other choice but to smash this panel to pieces.
QHD without wires: Imou Cell 2
Imou Cell 2 offers increased resolution and completely wireless experience for indoor and outdoor use.
Floodlight like no other
The bigger and brighter floodlight: Novostella AuroraLux - is an RGB LED smart floodlight capable of displaying animations.
Tonga volcano killed my Aqara sensor
Tonga volcano explosion killed my Aqara sensor - investigation reveals this shocking discovery
Best ZigBee temperature sensors
What's the best ZigBee temperature sensor money can buy? Let's test all of them and find out
A simple trick to reduce ZigBee coordinator WiFi interference
This simple trick will reduce the WiFi interference over your Raspberry Pi connected Zigbee coordinator