Good things come in big packages until you get sent an Ainope 10000mAh power bank. I had to check the battery capacity twice, as it seemed unlikely such a big battery could be crammed inside that enclosure. And that’s not the only strong point of this battery! There is more!
Ainope power bank – review!
I had a fair share of power banks in my hands. Enough to make my mind up about what’s good and what’s just plain awesome. Ainope 10000mAh power bank comes pretty high on that scale and here is why:

Slip it inside your pocket, and you can barely feel it. I have to remember which internal pocket of my bag I put it in as this thing is seriously hard to find sometimes. Ainope Power Bank has nice round edges and if not for the weight, you would hardly feel it inside your pocket.

10.000mAh will get you through the most challenging days without a doubt (unless you want to charge multiple devices). I could charge the Pixel3 phone twice and I still had some charge left to top up my LG SmartWatch. I used to carry a 21.000mAh monster with me, but I hardly can justify it now.
Ainope Power Bank has the biggest room to improve in this area. While I personally don’t mind 2.1A & 1A USB-A charging ports (slow charging is perfect for overnight use), not having a reversible USB-C as in Dodocool bank is a seriously missed opportunity!
I love the fact I can charge the Ainope Power Bank with micro USB and USB-C. It takes about 4-5h depending on the charger you have. The power left is indicated by a numerical display. I actually like this, as I always wonder if that last 25% light on other batteries will be enough. Now I have a much accurate way of getting this information.
Could be better?

Sure, I’d love the reversible USB-C port that I could use for charging. I would love to see the same form factor slimmed down, without the LCD and USB-A ports. Just 3 USB-C ports. That would be a pretty cool alternative. I’m a big advocate of going forward with USB-C!
The Ainope 10000mAh power bank may not be 100% perfect but it’s very good, especially at £20! I love the form factor, the power it carries and the fact you can charge it with both micro USB and USB-C. If you were missing out on something that can charge your phone multiple times, give this battery a chance! Especially, if you travel light! Let me know what would be your perfect portable battery like in this Reddit thread.