I care about transparency. In my reviews, I try to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the item at hand, regardless of my partnership or affiliation with the sponsor. Notenoughtech.com is supported by the following sources:
- affiliate links sales (AmazonUK, AmazonUS, Banggood, AliExpress and others)
- publishing fees
- in-store credit
- free product samples
- tips and donations
Transparency icons
To increase the transparency and affiliation, moving forward I will apply the following symbols to my content:
– I paid for the item with my own money
– I was interested in the item, but it was given to me for the purpose of review by PR
– I used links that bring me affiliate payments
– content commissioned, I retain 100% creative and critical control
– ad/ sponsored content possibly vetted by the sponsor
Running a blog of this scope costs time and money. Reviews are subject to a publishing fee which in my eyes pays for the time spent on the article and assures that I’m not incentivised by affiliated programs. This is agreed upon prior to my work and has no bearing on the outcome with exception of ad/sponsored content, where I might be asked to advertise specific product features and functions.
I hope this disclaimer builds a trust between us.