Banggood had been kind to me over the years, and prove itself as a great partner and very good online retailer for all things Chinese. I do get freebies to talk about, but they don’t pay me to talk nice about them. This year is a little bit different. There are 2 more reasons to shop at Banggoodon 11.11 promotion. I’ll be hosting a livestream for them 16 Nov, and Banggood has enabled Klarna interest-free purchases.
11.11 at Banggood
Amazon has it’s Black Friday, Chinese retailers have 11.11. If you think Black Friday deals are mad, take a look at sales at 11.11 in China. The overall volume and purchasing power dwarf Amazon’s day of retail. We are used to thinking that all these Eastern pages are online to sell us tat or con us, but online retailers like Banggood slowly but surely established their presence, reputation and trust with western customers.
11.11 – (Singles Day in China) is an anti-Valentines day where you go out and treat yourself to a day of retail therapy. Promotions aplenty and who doesn’t like shopping? This year, you will see me on Banggood page talking about a couple of cool things that keep me sane during the lockdown. Britain just got a brand new national lockdown v2.0 – therefore looking after sanity is important! The stream will take place on 16 Nov at 18:30 GMT
Save the date and join me as I will be given a couple good discount codes to throw at you and save you some money! Plus I always like your company guys! Items sent to me are:
Banggood, Klarna and interest-free purchases
Most of my expensive purchases (over £300) were made using Curry’s “buy now pay later” scheme where you get to enjoy the latest tech instantly, but you have 6 months to pay off the bill without interest. You can think of this as reversed saving. Instead of saving for 6 months, I would enjoy the item, and put money aside each month.

Now you can split your purchases on Banggood thanks to Klarna. Customers in the US and UK will have the access to interest-free purchase that is split into 3 card payments in monthly instalments up to $1000. If you wanted to treat yourself nice this year, Banggood made it just a little easier to afford the latest tech.
Final thoughts
I hope to see you all in the livestream. Let me know if you planning any purchases on 11.11 and what would that be. Would you use Klarna and split the payment into 3 instalments? I’m really tempted to get an insta360 camera! Ugh… the temptation is high! Anyway, shop responsibly, enjoy your gadgets and see you soon! Oh any comments – this Reddit thread will handle it.