HomeHome Automation$20 Automated Staircase RGB LED Lighting: SOFTWARE #part3

$20 Automated Staircase RGB LED Lighting: SOFTWARE #part3

Just in time for Xmas!

Before we dive in into the software, if you want to read about prices, design, and hardware use links below. The staircase RGB LED Lighting is attached to the wall and I had a very basic code running for a while. I’m pretty sure that each one of you will adjust the hardware and software to your particular needs, as no staircase is the same!

$20 Automated Staircase RGB LED Lighting: SOFTWARE

While my code was totally workable, I will be sharing the code written by Dean Montgomery it’s far superior to mine and has different effects built-in.  I’m currently running his (modified) version of the code anyway.

Shop on Banggood for components

Buy it using these links to support NotEnoughTech.

Before we start with the code, we have to trim the PIR HC-SR501 to respond as quickly as possible. The module comes with a jumper setting and two pots to trim the timing and sensitivity. Please read the attached post to set it right.

  • Set jumper to repeatable trigger
  • Set sensitivity to your desired value
  • Set timer to minimum

The sensor outputs a digital (HIGH/LOW) state, and it’s easy to use with Arduino IDE.

I also had to cover up part of the sensor with an electrical tape to decrease the angle of detection. The detection angles will depend on your situation, in my tests I established that I will need a small slit that resembles a predator retina. It’s a 3D printing job queued up for later.

The code

I will walk you through the code so you would know what is what. It will save you some time and allow you to modify the code and effects quickly.

Arduino File
 * Description: Motion activated stair lights.
 * Author: Dean Montgomery
 * Version: 2.2
 * Date: Feb 11, 2016
 * 2 PIR sesors at the top and bottom of the stairs.
 * WS28012B Addressable RGB lights - 2 LEDs on each stair - This spread out the strip of 30 and left 2-pairs for spare bulbs.
 * My Arduino is at the top of the stairs and the RGB strip is connected at the top.
 * This will cycle through several varitions of stair walkers.
 * Version 2 is a rewrite to properly handle multi-tasking the PIR sensors in parallel with LED updates.
 * TODO: Do some code cleanup, variable naming etc.

#include "FastLED.h"

#define NUM_LEDS 26
//#define NUM_LEDS 14
#define LEDS_PER_STAIR 2        // Number of Leds per stair.  Not yet currenlty changable - just noteable
#define BRIGHTNESS  120         // 0...255  ( used in fade7 )
#define PIN_LED 3               // LED Data pin
#define PIN_PIR_DOWN 5          // PIR Downstairs Pin
#define PIN_PIR_UP 7            // PIR Upstairs Pin
#define GO_UP -1                // Direction control - Arduino at top of stairs
#define GO_DOWN 1               // Direction control - Arduino at top of stairs
uint8_t gHue = 0;               // track color shifts.
int8_t gStair = 0;             // track curent stair.
uint8_t gBright = 0;            // track brightness
uint8_t gUpDown[NUM_LEDS];      // directional array to walk/loop up or down stairs.
int8_t gupDownDir = 1;
CRGB    leds[NUM_LEDS];         // setup leds object to access the string
CRGBPalette16 gPalette;         // some favorite and random colors for display.
                              CRGB( BRIGHTNESS, 0, 0));
CRGBPalette16 z;
int8_t  gLastPalette = 15;      // track last chosen palette.
uint8_t gLastWalk = 1;
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // define here so it does not redefine in the loop.
long    previousMillis = 0;
long    previousOffMillis = 0; // countdown power off timer
long    offInterval = 30000; // 1000mills * 30sec
//long offInterval = 7000;
long    interval = 40;
enum Effects { ewalk, eflicker, efade6 };
Effects effect = ewalk;
enum WalkEffects { sparkle, pulsate1, pulsate2, flash };
WalkEffects walk_effect = sparkle;
// Stages of the animation.  Allows for PIR sensor to re-activation the run stage of the animation.
enum Stage { off, stage_init, stage_grow, stage_init_run, stage_run, stage_init_dim, stage_dim };
Stage stage = off;
int i = 0;
int x = 0;
uint8_t var = 0;
uint8_t valTop = 200;
uint8_t rnd = 0;
uint8_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, h = 0, s = 0, v = 0;
int8_t stair = 0;
CRGB c1;
CRGB c2;
CRGB trans;
CRGB trans2;

void setup() {
  delay (3000); // Power Up 3 second safety delay.
  FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS);  // NOTE set LED string type here. 
  FastLED.setDither( 0 );  // Stops flikering in animations.
  pinMode(PIN_PIR_UP, INPUT);
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(PIN_PIR_DOWN, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PIN_PIR_UP, LOW);
  welcomeRainbow();             // rainbow - give time for PIR sensors to colibrate.
  setUpDown(GO_DOWN);           // populate the array index used for stair direction.
  setPalette();                 // setup some favorite & random colors
  stage = off;

// Main Loop track PIR sensors.
void loop() {
  currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
  if((currentMillis - previousOffMillis > offInterval) && stage == stage_run){
    stage = stage_init_dim;
    i = 0; r = 0; g = 0; b = 0;

void readSensors(){
  if ( digitalRead(PIN_PIR_UP) == HIGH ){  // Walk Down.
    previousOffMillis = currentMillis;
    //if ( stage == stage_run ){
    //  return;  //keep the animation fast.
    //} else 
    if ( stage == off ){
      stage = stage_init;
    } else if ( stage == stage_dim || stage == stage_init_dim ){
      stage = stage_init_run;
  } else if ( digitalRead(PIN_PIR_DOWN) == HIGH  ){ // Walk Up.
    previousOffMillis = currentMillis;
    if ( stage == off ){
      stage = stage_init;
    } else if ( stage == stage_dim || stage == stage_init_dim){
      stage = stage_init_run;
void chooseEffects(){
  r = random8(1, 255);
  //effect = efade6;
  if ( r >= 0 && r <= 100 ){ effect = ewalk; // My favorite transition with random effect variations 
  else if ( r > 100 && r <= 175 ){ effect = eflicker; // Candle with embers. 
  else { effect = efade6; // hueshift rainbow. 
  void update_effect(){ 
  if ( effect == ewalk ){ walk(); } 
  else if ( effect == eflicker ){ flicker(); } 
  else if ( effect == efade6 ){ fade(); } 

  // setup walking gUpDown array in forward: 0,1,2,3... or reverse: ...3,2,1,0 
  void setUpDown(int8_t upDownDir){
    gupDownDir = upDownDir; 
    uint8_t gStairStart = 0; 
    if (upDownDir == GO_UP){
      for ( gStair = NUM_LEDS -1; gStair >= 0; gStair-- ){
      gUpDown[gStair] = gStairStart++;
  } else {
    for ( gStair = 0; gStair <= NUM_LEDS; gStair++ ){
      gUpDown[gStair] = gStairStart++; } } } // Increment to the next color pair in the palette. 
 void choosePalette(){
  if ( gLastPalette >= 15 ) {
    gLastPalette = 0;
  } else {

// Fill a palette with some colors that my wife picked.
void setPalette(){
   * Jenn's colors RGB  0 0 81  BLUE
   * 0 100 100 Teal 006464
   * 60 100 100 Cool White 3C6464
   * 60 10 100 Violet 3C0A64
   * 60 0 50 Purple 3C0032
   * start white fades to Teal
   * violet to purple
   * teal to blue
   * red to blue
  uint8_t r = random8(1, 255); // call it once first.
  fill_solid( gPalette, 16, CRGB::Red);
  gPalette[0] = CRGB( 60, 100, 100 ); // Jenn cool white
  gPalette[1] = CRGB( 0, 90, 90 );    // Jenn teal
  gPalette[2] = CRGB( 60, 10, 100 );  // Jenn violet
  gPalette[3] = CRGB( 60, 0, 50 );    // Jenn purple
  gPalette[4] = CRGB( 0, 0, 81);      // Jenn blue
  gPalette[5] = CRGB( 100, 0, 0);     // Red
  gPalette[6] = CRGB( 0, 0, 100);     // Blue
  gPalette[7] = CRGB( 120, 0, 120);
  // Random fill the rest.
  for (uint8_t i = 8; i<16; i++){
    gPalette[i] = CRGB(random8(3,100), random8(3,100), random8(3,100));

// Walk the stairs adding random effects.
void walk() {
  if ( stage == stage_init ){
    valTop = 200;
    // Pick two colors from the palette. 
    c1 = gPalette[gLastPalette];
    c2 = gPalette[gLastPalette+1];
    // chance of a random palette
    if ( random8( 5 ) == 3 ){
      c1 = CRGB(random8(3,100),random8(3,100),random8(3,100));
      c2 = CRGB(random8(3,100),random8(3,100),random8(3,100));
    // fix random Black palette.
    if ( (int(c1.r) + int(c1.g) + int(c1.b)) < 8 ){
      c1 = gPalette[2];
      c2 = gPalette[4];
    trans = CRGB::Black;
    trans2 = CRGB::Black;
    z[0] = c2;
    z[1] = c1;
    z[2] = CRGB(random8(2,100),random8(2,100),random8(2,100));
    z[3] = c1;
    z[4] = c2;
    //(r2-r1)/ticks * tick)
    i = 0;
    x = 0;
    r = 0;
    g = 0;
    b = 0;
    walk_effect = (WalkEffects)random8( 0, 4 );
    stage = stage_grow;
  } else if ( stage == stage_grow ) {
    if (gBright < 255){
      if ( gStair < NUM_LEDS ){ trans = blend(CRGB::Black,c1,gBright); // fade in next two leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = trans; leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]] = trans; } if ( gStair >= 2 ) { // shift last two stairs to the 2nd color.
        trans2 = blend(c1,c2,gBright);
        leds[gUpDown[gStair - 1]] = trans2;
        leds[gUpDown[gStair - 2]] = trans2;
      gBright = qadd8(gBright, 4);
    } else {
      if ( gStair < NUM_LEDS - 2 ) {
        gStair+=2;  //next stair.
      } else {
        stage = stage_init_run;
        gStair = 0;
      gBright = 0;
  } else if ( stage == stage_init_run ) {
    fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, c2);
    x = 0;
    stage = stage_run;
  } else if ( stage == stage_run ) {
    trans2 = c2;
    randomEffect();  // waits for timer to run out.
  } else if ( stage == stage_init_dim ) {
    interval = 3;
    for(b=0; b<255; b++) {
      trans = blend(trans2,c2,b);
      fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, trans);
    interval = 8;
    gBright = 0;
    gStair = 0;
    stage = stage_dim;
  } else if ( stage == stage_dim ) {
    if ( gBright <= valTop  ) {
      if ( gStair < NUM_LEDS ){
        leds[gUpDown[gStair]].fadeToBlackBy( 6 );
        leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]].fadeToBlackBy( 6 );
      } else {
        stage = off;
    } else {
      leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = CRGB( 0, 0, 0);
      leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]] = CRGB( 0, 0, 0);
      gStair += 2; 
      gBright = 0;
  } else {
    stage = off;

// Random effects for the walk() stair function.
void randomEffect(){
  if ( walk_effect == sparkle ) { 
    interval = 8;
    fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, c2);
  } else if ( walk_effect == pulsate1 ) {
    interval = 10;
    if ( b < 255 ){
      if ( i < 4 ) {
        trans2 = blend(z[i],z[i+1],b);
        fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, trans2);
      } else {
        i = 0;
    } else {
  } else if ( walk_effect == pulsate2 ) {
    interval = 5;
    for(gStair=0; gStair < NUM_LEDS; gStair++) {
      trans2 = blend(c1,c2,quadwave8(r+=( -20 * gupDownDir )));
      leds[gStair] = trans2;
    gStair = 0;
    r = ++g;
  } else if ( walk_effect == flash ) {
    if ( x == 0 ) {
      for(gStair=0; gStair < NUM_LEDS; gStair+=2) {
        leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = CRGB( 100, 100, 100);
        leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]] = CRGB( 100, 100, 100);
      for(gStair=0; gStair < NUM_LEDS; gStair+=2) {
        leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = c2;
        leds[gUpDown[gStair+1]] = c2;
      x = 1;

// Sparkle rainbow welcome give delay to calibrate pir sensors.  This also indicates if program crashed.
void welcomeRainbow(){
  for ( int i = 0; i < 500; i++ ){
    EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS( 20 ) { gHue++; }
  for (int tick=0; tick < 64; tick++){ 
    for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ){
      leds[i].fadeToBlackBy( 64 );

// built-in FastLED rainbow, plus some random sparkly glitter
void rainbowWithGlitter() {

// paint rainbow
void rainbow() {
  // FastLED's built-in rainbow generator
  fill_rainbow( leds, NUM_LEDS, gHue, 7);

// Add random glitter
void addGlitter( fract8 chanceOfGlitter) {
  if( random8() < chanceOfGlitter) {
    leds[ random16(NUM_LEDS) ] += CRGB(100,100,100);

// Candle flicker, blown out, + ember glow
void flicker(){
  if ( stage == stage_init ){
    i = 0;
    rnd = 0;
    r = 0; g = 0; b = 0;
    stair = 0;
    gStair = 0;
    x = 0;
    gBright = 0;
    interval = 27;
    stage = stage_grow;
  } else if ( stage == stage_grow ){
    if ( i <= 10 ){  // number of flicker between steps
      if ( gStair < NUM_LEDS ){  // for each step
        for ( stair = 0; stair <= gStair; stair +=2 ){  // up to currently lit step.
          rnd = random8(1, 4);
          if ( rnd == 2 ){
            gBright = random8(110,140);
            leds[gUpDown[stair]] = CHSV( 60, 200, gBright );
            leds[gUpDown[stair + 1]] = CHSV( 60, 200, gBright );
      } else {
        stage = stage_init_run;
    } else {
      i = 0;
      gStair += 2;
  } else if ( stage == stage_init_run ){
    stage = stage_run;
  } else if ( stage == stage_run ){
    for( gStair = 0; gStair < NUM_LEDS; gStair+=2) {  
      rnd = random8(1, 4);
      if ( rnd == 2 ){
        gBright = random8(110,140);
        leds[gStair] = CHSV( 60, 200, gBright );
        leds[gStair+1] = CHSV( 60, 200, gBright );
  } else if ( stage == stage_init_dim ){
    // Blow out candles and leave an ember.
    for(gStair=0; gStair < NUM_LEDS; gStair+=2) {
      rnd = random8(4, 6);
      r = rnd+1;
      g = rnd-2;
      leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = CRGB( r,g,0 );
      leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]] = CRGB( r,g,0 );
    i = 0;
    stage = stage_dim;
  } else if ( stage == stage_dim ){
    if ( i <= 150 ){
      rnd = random8(0, NUM_LEDS);
      leds[gUpDown[rnd]].fadeToBlackBy( 3 );
    } else {
      fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, CRGB( 0, 0, 0 ));
      stage = off;
  } else {
    stage = off;

// Fade6 effect with each led using a hue shift
void fade(){
  if ( stage == stage_init ){
    gBright = 0;
    gStair = 0;
    interval = 5;
    h = 128;
    s = 140;
    r = 0;
    g = ( random8() < 120 );
    stage = stage_grow;
  } else if ( stage == stage_grow ){
    if ( gBright<255 ){
      if ( gStair < NUM_LEDS ){
        trans = blend(CHSV(h,s,0),CHSV(h,s,v),gBright);
        leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = trans;
        leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]] = trans;
        gBright = qadd8(gBright, 1);
      } else {
        stage = stage_init_run;
      gBright = qadd8(gBright, 2);
    } else {
      gBright = 0;
      gStair += 2;
  } else if ( stage == stage_init_run ) {
    interval = 70;
    stage = stage_run;
  } else if ( stage == stage_run ){
    r = h;
    for(gStair=0; gStair < NUM_LEDS; gStair++) { h+=(3*gupDownDir); // left PIR go down 
    leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = CHSV(h, s, v); } h = r + (3*gupDownDir*-1); } 
    else if ( stage == stage_init_dim ){ interval = 7; h = h - gStair; gStair = 0; stage = stage_dim; } 
    else if ( stage == stage_dim ){ if ( v > 0 ) {
      if ( gStair < NUM_LEDS ){
        leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = CHSV(gStair + h, s, v);
        leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]]= CHSV(gStair + h, s, v);
        v = qsub8(v, 1);
      } else {
        stage = off;
    } else {
      leds[gUpDown[gStair]] = CRGB( 0, 0, 0);
      leds[gUpDown[gStair + 1]] = CRGB( 0, 0, 0);
      gStair += 2; 
      v = BRIGHTNESS;
  } else {
    stage = off;
Setting up the variables

This is where you set up the initial values, number of LEDs, brightness and pins connected to the Arduino. You can also modify how quickly the lights go off after each trigger.

Void Setup

The script will wait 3 seconds and flash a rainbow effect to entertain you while the PIR sensors are calibrating and the default (LOW) state is written to the pins.

The main loop

Arduino is pulling the sensors every loop and if any of the sensors return HIGH, an effect is assigned and the LEDs will flash accordingly. Depending on which PIR activates, the array holding the LEDs is reversed to play the animation in the correct direction.

In addition to this, if any of the PIR sensors get activated during the fade out stage, all LEDs will turn bright again to keep the effect up.


Lastly, we have functions that control which effect is applied based on random seed, and what colour palette should be used for the effect.

The effects available:

  • fade
  • flicker
  • rainbow
  • rainbow with glitter


There you have it! complete, automated staircase LED lights for less than $20.  I have learned from it a lot, especially how to drive the LEDs. In the future, I will add proper WIFI connectivity to this, so I could also take over the control via a web interface. For now, I hope you will enjoy the lights you made. I have to say, that guest is very impressed with it, the white trunking blends in nicely, and if not for (yet unpainted) black PIR enclosures, you can't tell it's there.

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